Monday, November 27, 2017


There will always be an excuse, a reason not to do it, always someone that doesn't believe in it, or you.
there will never be a good time. So why wait!? Stop making excuses for your self and listening to the excuse of others and just do it. If today's a bad day, guess what so is tomorrow and if you keep waiting it will never happen and you'll never accomplish your dream of getting out of the rat race and achieving financial security. So get off you lazy butt and do it. You may not be able to spend 5 houses a day on it so spent 1 or 20mins just start and keep doing a little each day and pretty soon you wont want to do anything else, you will know when your on the right track when you start dreaming of your big ideas for the future. 

Monday, November 20, 2017

pros and cons

As has been mentioned in many of my posts before I am a big fan of lists, and there are all different kinds of lists for all different kinds of things. today tho we will be focusing on the application of pros and cons lists. when you have an idea weathers for a new business, marking or promotions for an exiting business,  or where to go for lunch and very important things to get an answer too and not just rush into them. That where a pros and con list can come in handy. new business idea, PROS,  money, time, flexibility, retirement,  CONS, less time now,  need investments,  risky, i hate business and by going throw this simple yet effective process you will hopefully find of come closer to your decision. and remember these list aren't just about facts and accounting. you need to put you preference
in there to or in the end you may mathematically have the best decisions and yet it wont make any sense for you. 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Who I want to be and why

With regards to my resent start ups and in relation to my last post, I would like to share the dissension I've made with my position in the business and why. I'm going to be focusing on doing online business that are more hand off and have the manufacturing out sourced to china witch is more cost effective for my products and less time consuming for me. i will retain as much owner ship in the business as possible while still keeping personal cost low witch will reduce risk. I will using amazon as my online selling platform to reach a wider audience  and again save time.  buy doing my business like this i will be saving time and money witch means i can do many business like this and make my income more stable to even if one business fails for slows down i still have all my others and time to work a regular job if i have to.  it will also give me the flexibility and freedom to spend time with my family and other interests. Now its your turn who do you want to be?

Monday, November 6, 2017

Who do you Want to be

What is an entrepreneur  "a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses" that's the definition! so as long as you meet those guide lines or you can be who ever you want to be in the business world. you have an idea that you've been researching, at some point you need to decide who you want to be in your business. how much time you want to put in, how much money you want to put in, how much money you want to get out, do you want to travel for work, do you want to work from home.... The list goes on and on of question that you need to ask your self because the answers to these questions will give you lots of answers to questions you are now asking yourself about the next steps you need to take in your business. questions like do i need to hire some one, should i go to China, should i sell to retail, should i stay online, should i get investors, should i give up owner ship, if you look closely you will be able to see that the simple personal questions from earlier answer these seemingly much harder questions. So who are you? and who do you want to be?


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

So you have an idea now what?

If you have been reading and actually applying the in direction in this blog you will hopefully pick an idea from your many knew lists, that you would like to pro-sue. So whats next, the answers is research. you need to really start learning about your idea, learn its pros and cons and wright them down. the life of an entrepreneur is full and all over the place to a series of lists is our best friend. find out how long it will take to turn a profit and how much of that time is actual work time and what is just down time. learn who your market is and everything about them start now is gathering marketing information that you will be able to use in the future when you actually have something to sell.