Monday, January 8, 2018

When you succeed

people work really hard and learn everything they can about success and how to get there, witch is a longer harder process then it may seem first you need to figure out what success actually means to you maybe it just a monthly income maybe its requirement.  but for this lets assume that its starting and building a business to the point that you can sell it for 10 years worth of your current salary. and lets they that you do that. Now what, whats next, you have a big pile of money if you put it in the bank inflation will slowly eat away at it. If you invest it in your brother in laws company you may lose everything. So what do you do? Trick is to start thinking about long before you succeed because once you have that money and aren't doing anything with it your automatically losing money. So plan to succeed NOW so when your big break comes your ready for your next one. Have several different sound investment plans ready. Thinking 2 steps ahead is part of being and entrepreneur.   

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

When you fail

Failure is a part of business in fact its a big part of business. It has been shown that the probability of failure with a new business is high. And most people that start and build something from scratch will fail at some-point. failure is a constant your reaction to it is the variable.  Do you learn from it and get back up and try again or do you accepted failure and give up if that's you its time to change because you wont go fair if you quit every-time things get hard. But if you are able to learn and grow when things go wrong then you probably wont make that mistake again and if that's true the more mistakes  you make the more perfect you are able to become. So get up and keep going.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Going above and beyond

there are tons and tons of big business out there that have lots of people and to make them work they run on massive bureaucracy that are slow and unaccommodating to the end consumer.  because they do this they can often offer better prices and make there products more accessible and more well known though big budget marketing complains. so what are we the small business owners supposed to do?  We go above and beyond when it comes to customer service we help and self market everywhere we go we offer the support that the big business cant in order to build up our customer loyalty.


In today's world there are endless possibility for a new business and one of the best ways to do it no matter who you are or what your doing is though amazon, but why? well its because they already have all the customers and the infrastructure that often stand in the way of new business. They can take on a lot of the burdens of a business and not cost you that much. And if you set it up FBA or fulfilled by amazon you can keep working your job or living your life or start another business while amazon runs your first one with minimal efforts and all it takes to get started is a product.

Online or Retail?

When starting a new business or with a business you've pended or operated for a while one of the big discussion that you need to make is weather you want to but your business online or in retail stores or both, in today's world you have to be online everything and everyone is so if your not your business is going to suffer for it, so your welcome you don't need to answer that question, but that said, the real question is weather it's a good idea to sell to retail stores or even start your own store front business. And once again there are a lot of Different elements to consider here, what percentage of you sales margins would you lose and would your product or service be able to do well in a retail environment, how much more time would it take you to get in and stay in retail stores and if that time would be better spent elsewhere. Do you even like the retail market!? all these questions and many more need to be carefully considered in order to find the best fit for you and your business. 

Monday, November 27, 2017


There will always be an excuse, a reason not to do it, always someone that doesn't believe in it, or you.
there will never be a good time. So why wait!? Stop making excuses for your self and listening to the excuse of others and just do it. If today's a bad day, guess what so is tomorrow and if you keep waiting it will never happen and you'll never accomplish your dream of getting out of the rat race and achieving financial security. So get off you lazy butt and do it. You may not be able to spend 5 houses a day on it so spent 1 or 20mins just start and keep doing a little each day and pretty soon you wont want to do anything else, you will know when your on the right track when you start dreaming of your big ideas for the future. 

Monday, November 20, 2017

pros and cons

As has been mentioned in many of my posts before I am a big fan of lists, and there are all different kinds of lists for all different kinds of things. today tho we will be focusing on the application of pros and cons lists. when you have an idea weathers for a new business, marking or promotions for an exiting business,  or where to go for lunch and very important things to get an answer too and not just rush into them. That where a pros and con list can come in handy. new business idea, PROS,  money, time, flexibility, retirement,  CONS, less time now,  need investments,  risky, i hate business and by going throw this simple yet effective process you will hopefully find of come closer to your decision. and remember these list aren't just about facts and accounting. you need to put you preference
in there to or in the end you may mathematically have the best decisions and yet it wont make any sense for you.